Friday, March 8, 2013

Buzzing new Info about Hudge hazzards of Florescents cfl vs LEDs

Buzzing new Info to you about Huge hazards of Florescent or cfl, they are ridiculously evil to our environment. Stop the madness stop producing these dam things!
Buy leds they are safe for our mother earth.

When fluorescent bulbs hit  the store shelves a few years ago, consumers complained about the loud noise they made, their harsh light, their bluish color, their clunky shape and the long time it took for them to warm up.

Since then, the bulbs  known as CFLs have been revamped, and strict government guidelines have alleviated most of those problems. But while the bulbs are extremely energy-efficient, one problem hasn’t gone away, All CFLs contain mercury, a neurotoxin that will easily cause kidney and brain damage. Wow did they just say brain damage??? holly shit..

The amount is tiny about 5 milligrams, or barely enough to cover the tip of a pen but that is enough to contaminate up to 6,000 gallons of water beyond safe drinking levels, extrapolated from Stanford University research on mercury. Even the latest lamps promoted as low-mercury can contaminate more than 1,000 gallons of water beyond safe levels. What 1000 gal of water...

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